he performance of a dialyzer in a hemodialysis device is strongly influenced by permeable membrane pores. Research on the influence of pores on mass transfer is relatively limited. In this case the…
The performance of a dialyzer in a hemodialysis device is strongly influenced by permeable membrane pores. Research on the influence of membrane pores on relative mass transfer is still limited. Fo…
Article History: Received Accepted Available online Indonesia's oil reserves are only about 3.3 billion barrels remaining. If it continues to be consumed without the discovery of new oil re…
Serat ampas tebu (baggase) merupakan limbah organik yang banyak dihasilkan di pabrik-pabrik pengolahan gula tebu yang ada di Indonesia dan juga dapat ditemukan pada penjual air tebu. Selama ini pem…
Beton merupakan salah satu material bangunan paling sering digunakan. Akibatnya kebutuhan material dari pembuatan beton akan terus meningkat, termasuk semen. Semen merupakan bahan paling penting da…
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi suhu pada proses pencampuran terhadap lapis aspal beton AC-WC (Asphalt Concrete-Wearing Course). Suhu pencampuran aspal yang terlalu renda…
Chronic kidney failure is one of domestic health problems faced by Indonesia with the increasing number and with the high cost therapy. One of the therapy is with haemodialysis whose performance de…
Stock of goods is one of the important aspects in trade. The amount of stock of goods that exceeds the demand will cause losses if not sold out until the expiration date of the goods. Conversely, i…