Pada tugas akhir ini, merancang sebuah sistem SMS GateWay yang dapat mengirim pesan gangguan kepada operator PLN atau staf lapangan PLN praya lombok tengah.Pesan gangguan akan terkirim ketika terja…
As an educational institution, each university competes to build an information system to provide the best service for all university citizens. Communication between lecturers, and between students…
Green building material is a concept that makes up a lot of construction materials developed in modern times. Construction material with green building concept has criteria such as lightweight raw …
Bencana gempa lombok 2018 mengakibatkan kerusakan pada beberapa bangunan publik, termasuk jembatan. Salah satu jembatan yang mengalami kerusakan akibat bencana gempa bumi tersebut adalah Jembatan B…
Mila Dam is a multifunctional dam to support the continuation of the 1,689 hectare Rababaka Komplek Irrigation Area (DI) in Woja District which supports the irrigation rababaka complex. The Rababak…
Composite is a material in the engineering world that is made by combining twokinds of materials that have different properties. Composite from fiber materials continue to be researched and develov…
Berdasarkan data dari Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah Nasional Tahun 2018 jumlah sampah yang ditimbulkan di Kota Mataram mencapai 408 ton/ hari yang terdiri dari berbagai jenis sampah, diantaranya sampah…