Epoxy is a thermoset synthetic product of polyepoxy resin reactions with hardening substances. In addition epoxy is also able to maintain the mechanical properties of a material in a wet environm…
Internet of things (IoT) merupakan sebuah ide atau gagasan yang memungkinkan benda di dunia nyata dapat saling berinteraksi melalui jaringan internet. Perancangan dan pembuatan purwarupa sistem m…
Asthma is a disease of the airways that causes an increase in airway hyperesponsiveness and causes wheeze symptoms. The sound of wheeze breath is one of the characteristics that indicates a person…
Salah satu kegiatan penting yang dilakukan peternak ayam petelur yaitu klasifikasi telur, dimana saat ini di Indonesia masih banyak peternak yang masih menggunakan cara manual untuk melakukan klas…
The application of security technology is now growing rapidly. In terms of security, all methods require a password for validation. Likewise with the facial recognition method where each individua…