Filler banyak digunakan untuk meningkatkan sifat mekanik epoxy yang digunakan sebagai perekat. Beberapa filler mempunyai keunggulan dan kekurangan sehingga hibridisasi filler dapat mengurangi kek…
The nano-sized CaCO3 filler material has unique properties caused by the large surface or mixed surface fraction with epoxy adhesives that can change the adhesive properties, especially viscosit…
Composite is a combination of several different materials, arranged to form new materials that are better than the nature of the arrangement. Composites are distinguished by their shape, which is i…
A filler is an ingredient that is commonly mixed in epoxy adhesives to change adhesive properties, especially viscosity, water absorption properties and can increase adhesive strength. There are ma…
Sandwich composite has been developed and produced for various aspects of life today. The unsaturated polyester content combined with palm fiber from plants such as palm fiber from palm trees that…
Sambungan perekat banyak digunakan di dalam industri otomotif, dan industri perkapalan. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat ini, pemakaian sambungan pun semakin meningkat. Peng…